Schlagwort: konföderierte Souveränität

“Yielding of Sovereignty Is Considered the Crime of High Treason” – Archbishop Vigano on Nation States Handing Over Sovereignty to the WHO

This is not just a good sober opinion, these are all matters of inescapable facts. Red Invasions and Genocides have been ongoing for a while using such tactics. “Yielding of […]

Beendigung der rotfaschistischen kommunistischen Besetzung der "systemischen weißen supremacistischen" Nation. Priorat von Salem, Institut für Friedensforschung

A short lecture by Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, Dean, Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies:  Till the Immigration Act of 1965, the precedent remained that only Whites […]

Perpetual Union of Confederated Sovereign States - FONDS UNSERE ANZEIGEN BITTE

America’s first constitution declared that our government is a perpetual Divine Theocracy under Jesus Christ the King, joined together for one aim, for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth. […]